Inspire and Influence
"The higher up the ladder of competence we climb,
the harder it is to be aware of how we communicate that competence."
Jon Robbins
The Coaching Leader
Develop your people. Grow in confidence as a coach; learn top-tips and techniques from a master educator to get the most out of your learners; overthrow some myths about coaching and training for a healthy mindset and create the most fertile learning environment that will run right through your organisation.
Become a trailblazer in your own Culture of Learning.
Communicate with Impact
Nobody has ever bored anyone into doing something.
This course will develop your confidence and skills to communicate effectively and authentically for your audience, whether you need to influence, inspire or inform.
Find out how to use storytelling and examples of human interest to bring your work to life, and overcome common challenges, such as creating connection, tone of voice, style, screen presence and sustaining interest.
Through intensive, practical sessions, you’ll learn to inhabit your brand, win over your readers’ hearts and minds, and polish your communication skills until you shine.