About me

Jon Robbins, Founder and Director, Culture of Learning talks about how he arrived at setting up the company
"Performance and Education are the two pillars that support my life.
For me, theatre, music, poetry have always run alongside science, teaching and learning - it's all part of the same quest, really: to understand - and help others to understand - the unique and extraordinary privilege it is to be human... in all our wonder and ridiculousness.
I'm fascinated by how we work together to achieve great things.
How do we learn?
What are we trying to achieve? and,
Are we going about things in the best way?
These three questions so persistently resurface, they shape what I do and who I am. Consider them, grapple with the implications, and we start to open up a future of dazzling possibilities.
As a learning specialist with a background in performance, I’ve learned this:
Create an experience of active discovery, and it'll resonate the heart.
And if we want to change life for the better, we learn to first understand ourselves, and then inspire, entertain and empower others.
I've been lucky enough to thoroughly test how to best do this in the classroom, and - when I moved into Learning and Development - in the training room and in the boardroom. (Sometimes, we need to get away from the room entirely.)
And so now, with Culture of Learning, I help organisations (particularly charities) reach their best by training managers, their teams and leaders.
I certainly have my work cut out...
...and love every minute of it.
Now tell me about you."